Atlantis i-Travel is the corporate online booking tool that enables your travelers to manage their complete itineraries aligned with company’s guidelines. It is single place to meet all your travel needs for air, hotels, cars and transfers.
Choose the cheapest flights for your available dates.
Easily spot preferred and special rates offered to corporates, enhanced with visual guilt which highlights cheapest logical fare.
Ensure Corporate travel policy compliance. Rely on a secure environment for payment or even pay offline.
Multi-level access to corporate sites and report. Online approvals.
Saving profiles and preferences.
Atlantis i-Travel has many more exclusive benefits.

The Atlantis Travel Group has been established for nearly two decades and has a national presence throughout Southern Africa.
As a Travel Management Company we are able to offer your company our complete and highly personalised Corporate Travel Management Services and Solutions.
Atlantis Travel Group is proud to support Broad-based Black economic empowerment and the spirit thereof.
Atlantis Travel is a BEE level 2 contributor which means that our clients procurement of the services we offer will count 125% of their spend in their respective BEE Scorecard under the Preferential Procurement pillar.